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Outstanding Engineering

Why Schüßler-Plan?

© Theodor Barth

Dialog. Partnerschaft. Team.

Warum Schüßler-Plan?

© Dawin Meckel

Flexibilität und Vereinbarkeit

Warum Schüßler-Plan?

Value-based Corporate Culture

We base our actions on a value-based corporate culture. Our company has enjoyed a successful position on the market for over 60 years. In the meantime, the company is run by the third generation of the family owners. This results in a special responsibility and obligation towards our staff. Our focus in on people and their individual needs and we offer our staff an attractive, creative and flexible working environment.

The culture of a company is influenced by living its inner values and attitudes.


Norbert Schüßler, Managing Director of Schüßler-Plan

Our Values

A question of attitude

Broad Service Portfolio, Complex Projects, Interdisciplinary Teams

We plan and manage complex projects throughout Germany with an extensive service portfolio. We are therefore seeking qualified engineers with the necessary experience. We offer young professionals the opportunity of expanding their expertise and taking on gradual responsibility. We are convinced that the best results are obtained by interdisciplinary teams. We regard flexibility, diversity, freedom and a modern diversified working environment as vital for efficient collaboration.

Lively, creative and flexible working environment 

Our working climate is based on trust and mutual respect. Our corporate culture is founded on values, appreciation and open communication between equals. We expect you to add your personality and expertise to a creative working environment which gives you freedom to develop personally and maintain a healthy balance between your professional and private life.

Digital Planning Methods and Cloud-based Collaboration

We are convinced that planning should be at the latest state of the art and based on the use of the most modern methods. And by this we not only mean BIM. The digital transformation of processes has already had an impact on our general methods of collaboration and company organisation. Virtual meetings are a regular feature of our daily work in the same way as digital work spaces, digital project offices and cloud-based collaboration. 

Work-life Balance

Flexible, family-friendly working time models are the norm in our company. Just under 40% of our female staff take advantage of this to organise their personal working time. We are a member of the “Success Factor Family” corporate programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. We are fully aware that there are moments in a person’s working life when family must come first.


© Dawin Meckel

© Dawin Meckel

Family. Training. Diversity.
Our commitment to promoting a better we-identity.

We feel an obligation to offering young people the best possible training in order to secure the recruitment of young professionals for our company in the long term. 

Schüßler-Plan has been recognised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) for its excellence in professional training on many occasions. Many of our former trainees who were graded “very good” upon completion of their training are also among the best.

Recruiting professionals and retaining them over the long term – family friendliness is a decisive factor when it comes to safeguarding the company locations of employers in Germany and ensuring their competitiveness. Studies show that the better parents succeed in reconciling family and career, the greater the potential pool of skilled professionals available to the labour market.

The corporate programme “Success Factor Family” is a centralised information platform sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth on the subject of a family-friendly working world. It posts success stories and experience reports by company that have introduced innovative measure and have put family-friendly human resources policies into practice.  Our membership is a visible indication that Schüßler-Plan actively lives and promotes the subject of reconciling work and family.

Schüßler-Plan is a member of the Klischeefrei initiative which promotes a professional training and labour market that is free from gender stereotypes. The initiative is sponsored among others by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

In addition to our Stance on the subject of a cliché-free working environment, the Initiative’s website includes an interview with our Managing Director Christina Zimmermann in which she gives insights into our corporate culture.

To the Klischeefrei initiative

Over 3,500 companies and institutions have already signed the Charta der Vielfalt, one of the largest initiatives promoting Diversity Management. The initiative’s aim is to further the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the working world in Germany. The initiative has been sponsored since 2010 by the non-profit association Charta der Vielfalt e. V. under the patronage of the German Chancellor, Dr Angela Merkel.

As a signatory of the Charta der Vielfalt, Schüßler-Plan is committed to creating an unbiased working environment. All staff members receive the same appreciation at our company, irrespective of gender, gender identity, nationality, ethnic background, religion, ideology, physical or mental abilities, age, sexual orientation or identity.

To Charta der Vielfalt

Authenticity, openness to listen to critical voices regarding our qualities as employer and communication between equals – kununu is an employer rating portal which takes account of these attributes and awards its label to about 3.8% of companies rated on kununu. We’re a member.

Our profile at Kununu


© Theodor Barth

Work. Life. Satisfaction.
Our benefits for your success.

At Schüßler-Plan you will find an open corporate culture based on partnership and a working environment marked by innovation and growth. We guarantee you high working standards with our modern well-equipped offices which include modern hardware and software and reduced-price IT products for private use: We place special importance on appreciation for your work as well as a performance-based salary.

Nearly half of our team are women. We intend to continue improving this. As a family company we set great store on a family-friendly human resources policy.

Every company works on the basis of a great number of official and unwritten rules of engagement. Our welcome folder ensures a successful onboard process for each new member of staff. Our mentor programme also makes settling in easier.

We have thought through even more ways to integrate new members of staff after the onboarding period has ended. For example, mentoring is a high priority for us and we provide you with continuous personal development courses to further your personal career.

Technical further training and in-house training programmes are all part of our corporate image as a sustainable employer. Besides the possibility of studying for a doctorate while in full-time employment, our Schüßler-Plan Academy offers staff an in-house further training programme which goes far beyond merely updating of their technical knowledge. The main pillars of our training programme rest on management, leadership, communication and social skills. Another highlight is training for a certificate in the application of BIM.

As part of the Schüßler-Plan Academy we have also developed a tool for our e-Learning platform to offer training courses externally.

Our training initiatives

As a family-owned company our special concern is reconciling work and private life. At Schüßler-Plan we offer a pleasant and flexible working environment to ensure a healthy work-life balance with attractive social benefits such as 30 days holiday, family-friendly working time models and a company pension scheme.

Since we regard ourselves as a team, we find it important to foster company events which encourage exchange at eye level away from the office.  Our summer and Christmas get-togethers are well-known and popular with everyone. We also bring a bit of variety into everyday working life by organising sports events, exhibitions as well as company and departmental outings.

Our “Corporate Benefits” scheme offers our staff attractive products and services from top well-known providers at long-term preferential terms.

The choice of sports activities at Schüßler-Plan is incredibly varied, for example reduced membership fees at the fitness studio, race meetings, company relay teams for city marathons, football teams, yoga, water or alpine skiing, etc. We believe it is just as important to find personal balance and fitness as it is to enjoy success in a team. Our aim: more movement, better health, more fun. Every office is also stocked daily with free drinks and fresh fruit.

Strategy Management Location Portraits History Values and Responsibility
Building Construction and Structural Design Transportation Infrastructure Project Management Construction Management Construction Logistics Lead Consulting Geotechnical Engineering Structural Inspection Environmental Planning and Surveying Structural Physics
Digital networking Education and training initiatives Research and development
Why Schüßler-Plan? Your Perspectives
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